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NCVER: RPL at a Glance 2006

An NCVER publilcation from 2006 about RPL

ASQA: Fact Sheet - overseas student attendance

This factsheet provides a summary of your responsibilities, as required by both the National Code and Standards for RTOs, in relation to overseas student course progression and classroom attendance.

NCVER: Competency Progression and Completion Policy Paper 2015

National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) publication that examines how competency progression and completion is implemented in practice in three trades.

Continuous Improvement Process Policy and Procedure example template

An example of a policy and procedure template for the continuous improvement process


An overview of - the national register of Training products and providers.

VelgCast: Using supplementary evidence for assessment

An overview about the collection and use of supplementary evidence in assessment

Velg Training Trainer and Assessor Requirements at a Glance

An overview at a glance of the required trainer and assessor credentials (updated March 2024).

VelgCast: Developing Effective Assessment Questions - 1 Multiple Choice

This VelgCast is the first of a four-part series of VelgCasts focusing on the development of effective assessment questions and unpacks the features, benefits and limitations of multiple-choice questions.

VelgCast: Developing Effective Assessment Questions - 4 Matching

This VelgCast is the fourth of a four-part series of VelgCasts focusing on the development of effective assessment questions and unpacks the features, benefits and limitations of matching questions.

Recruitment Policy example template

An example template of a Staff Recruitment Policy

Sample: Australian Pacific College VET Student Assessment Policy

An example of a VET student assessment policy

VelgCast: Determining Risk

An overview explaining information about determining compliance risk

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