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Sample: Federation University VET Qualification Delivery Procedure

An example of a VET Qualification Delivery Procedure

Staff Recruitment Policy and Procedures example template

An example template of a Staff Recruitment Policy and Procedure

Assessment Policy and Procedures example template

A template example of an assessment policy and procedures

VelgCast: Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) explained

An explanation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

National Skills Taxonomy Discussion Paper (2024)

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) has released the National Skills Taxonomy (NST) Discussion Paper, a step forward in the development of a new national skills taxonomy. The NST will replace the existing Australian Skills Classification (ASC), offering a more comprehensive and dynamic approach to categorising and organising skills across Australia. The ASC will remain available for users until the NST is developed.

Supporting responsible AI: discussion paper (2024)

This discussion paper focuses on governance mechanisms to ensure AI is developed and used safely and responsibly in Australia. These mechanisms can include regulations, standards, tools, frameworks, principles and business practices.

Refund Request Form example template

A template example of a form that could be used for refund request

Preparation for Assessment Checklist example template

A template checklist that could be used when preparing a student for assessment

Moderation of Assessment Coversheet example template

A simple template that could be used as a coversheet for moderation activity

2024 Australian Student Wellbeing Survey (2024)

Studiosity's annual Student Wellbeing Survey report, with research conducted by YouGov, explores students' voices, thoughts, feelings, and expectations of study and university life.

Assessment Summary and Feedback Form example template

A template example of an assessment summary and feedback form

Verbal Questioning Checklist example template

An example of a verbal questioning assessment checklist template

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