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Webinar Recording: Financial Mastery for RTOs

Recorded on 29/04/2024, this webinar delved into the symbiotic relationship between stringent financial management practices and the attainment of exceptional education standards regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

Refund Request Form example template

A template example of a form that could be used for refund request

Recruitment Policy example template

An example template of a Staff Recruitment Policy

Sample: Australian Pacific College VET Student Assessment Policy

An example of a VET student assessment policy

VelgCast: Understanding Working Under Supervision

Information providing an overview about working under supervision.

VelgCast: Determining Risk

An overview explaining information about determining compliance risk

Continuous Improvement Process Policy and Procedure example template

An example of a policy and procedure template for the continuous improvement process

VelgCast: Using supplementary evidence for assessment

An overview about the collection and use of supplementary evidence in assessment


An overview of - the national register of Training products and providers.

VelgCast: Unit of Competency Components

An overview of the component parts of a unit of competency.

Velg Training Trainer and Assessor Requirements at a Glance

An overview at a glance of the required trainer and assessor credentials (updated March 2024).

Preparation for Assessment Checklist example template

A template checklist that could be used when preparing a student for assessment

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