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Preparation for Assessment Checklist example template

A template checklist that could be used when preparing a student for assessment

Moderation of Assessment Coversheet example template

A simple template that could be used as a coversheet for moderation activity

2024 Australian Student Wellbeing Survey (2024)

Studiosity's annual Student Wellbeing Survey report, with research conducted by YouGov, explores students' voices, thoughts, feelings, and expectations of study and university life.

Assessment Summary and Feedback Form example template

A template example of an assessment summary and feedback form

Verbal Questioning Checklist example template

An example of a verbal questioning assessment checklist template

Access and Equity Policy example template

A template example of an Access and Equity policy

Employee Record Form example template

A template example of an employee details record form

VOCEDplus NCVER International tertiary education resource database

This resource allows instant access to research and a multitude of resources in a convenient and efficient platform. It saves you time and effort by presenting relevant, quality resources in one location within themed pages called Pods.

Nationally Recognised Training – Success stories in Queensland Schools

This video was created by the QCAA and showcases what nationally recognised training in Queensland schools looks like today. The four schools featured have nationally recognised training programs that supports students to make a successful transition to the next stage in their lives.

Australian Government: Tuition Protection Service

Australian Government link to information about the Tuition Protection Service. The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) may assist students to either continue their studies through another course or different provider, or by being provided a refund or loan re-credit for education and training they paid for but did not receive.

ACER: Public Enquiry: Adult literacy and its importance (2021)

The Australian Council for Educational Research’s submission to the Australian Government Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training's Public Enquiry into Adult literacy and its importance highlights the importance of these skills to Australia’s well-being and economy, and calls on the government to continue participation in an international assessment to monitor outcomes and improve adult education.

VRQA: Notice of Third Party Arrangement - Form F

An RTO must use this form to notify the VRQA of their third party agreements. On receipt of Form F, the VRQA will record the details in its third-party arrangements register.

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