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New Employment Checklist example template

A template example of how an RTO could record that they have the appropriate documents required for Staff on file

SkillsFirst – RPL Kit example template PDF

An example RPL Kit template in PDF form developed as part of the Skills First initiative (2009)

Skills First – RPL Kit example template (Word)

An example RPL Kit template in Word form developed as part of the Skills First initiative (2009)

2024 Australian Student Wellbeing Survey (2024)

Studiosity's annual Student Wellbeing Survey report, with research conducted by YouGov, explores students' voices, thoughts, feelings, and expectations of study and university life.

VelgCast: Training Needs Analysis

An overview of the three steps of Training Needs Analysis, challenges and other applications of the process

Australian Government: National VET Data

The National VET Data program captures vocational education and training (VET) occurring across Australia. Policy and legislation set out the information you need to provide, and what can be done with it

Education Services for Overseas Students (Exempt Courses) Instrument 2021

This instrument exempts certain supplementary courses from the ESOS Act. This means these supplementary courses can be offered to overseas students without being registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

VRQA: Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017

The minimum standards for registration are set out in the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017. Schools and non-school education providers must meet their sector-specific minimum standards to be registered and operate in Victoria.

VOCEDplus NCVER International tertiary education resource database

This resource allows instant access to research and a multitude of resources in a convenient and efficient platform. It saves you time and effort by presenting relevant, quality resources in one location within themed pages called Pods.

Webinar Recording: Party Time! Third Party Arrangements

Recorded on 18/9/2024 this session looked at Third Party arrangements, the considerations of entering one, and explored the requirements of the agreements that needed to be in place.

Australian Government: Tuition Protection Service

Australian Government link to information about the Tuition Protection Service. The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) may assist students to either continue their studies through another course or different provider, or by being provided a refund or loan re-credit for education and training they paid for but did not receive.

National Skills Taxonomy Discussion Paper (2024)

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) has released the National Skills Taxonomy (NST) Discussion Paper, a step forward in the development of a new national skills taxonomy. The NST will replace the existing Australian Skills Classification (ASC), offering a more comprehensive and dynamic approach to categorising and organising skills across Australia. The ASC will remain available for users until the NST is developed.

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