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TAC: Fact Sheet: Vocational Competence and Industry Currency

This Training Accreditation Council (TAC) fact sheet considers two areas of a trainer and assessor’s vocational competence and industry currency and should be read in conjunction with the Industry Engagement Fact Sheet.

VET delivery in regional, rural and remote Australia: barriers and facilitators (2023)

This research investigated how the training sector could better meet the needs of regional, rural and remote Australia. It explored how various stakeholders in the VET system understand local skills needs, and the barriers faced by RTOs when delivering training in such locations.

Webinar Recording: NVPDW: Design of Training & Assessment Strategies & Industry Consultation

Recorded on 26/10/2020 and forming part of the National VET PD Week, this 90 minute session that includes an extra Q&A session unpacks the importance of the design of Training and Assessment Strategies and Industry consultation to ensure the TAS takes into account of a range of informing factors.

ACER: National Report on Social Equity in VET 2013

This report has been developed by the National VET Equity Advisory Council (NVEAC) to provide baseline information on the participation, achievement and transitions from the Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system for six groups in the Australian population: Indigenous Australians; people with a disability; people from a culturally and linguistically diverse background; people living in remote areas; people from low socioeconomic status backgrounds; and women.

Velg Cast: Clustering Units of Competency for Assessment

This Velg Cast looks into the purpose behind clustering units of competency together, aligning those units against a specific assessment requirement, using decision making rules within an evidence gathering tool to reflect the requirements of multiple units of competency and representing this process through the use of various mapping documentation.

Australian Government: Safe and responsible AI in Australia (2023)

This paper seeks advice on steps Australia can take to mitigate the potential risks of AI. Recognising that many related Australian Government initiatives are already underway, we are seeking systemwide feedback on actions that can be taken across the economy on AI regulation and governance.

ACMA: Adult digital media literacy needs - Qualitative research report (2009)

An Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) research report that provides findings from a study on the attitudes and experiences of non-users and limited adult users of digital media and communications within Australia

Webinar Recording: Strategies for Engaging Students with Disability

Recorded on 19/02/2020, this webinar explored the specific learning and support needs of students with autism, learning disabilities, anxiety and other mental health difficulties, and how trainers can adjust their teaching to be more inclusive of these different learning needs.

NCVER: Podcast - Rationalising VET qualifications: support for a clustered model (2020)

Vocational Voices S5, Episode 4 - Steve Davis talks to Professor John Buchanan, Business School, University of Sydney, David Morgan, CEO, Artibus Innovation and Simon Walker, Managing Director, NCVER about the notion of ‘clustering’ qualifications into vocational streams for a range of occupations and how it could be achieved.

Government of South Australia: VET for school students - repositioning VET within secondary education (2019)

The release of this Vocational Education and Training for School Students policy marks a significant step towards repositioning VET as an equally valued and prestigious pathway option alongside university education.

Webinar Recording: NVPDW: Conducting Validation Online

Recorded on 17/11/2021 and forming part of Velg Training's National VET PD this very popular webinar was designed to take you through some practical options for validating your assessments in an effective way when the validation activities occur across remote locations.

Wheel of Apps: Apps for Learners with Dyslexia/Reading and Writing Difficulties

Staff at CALL Scotland have developed a helpful Wheel of Apps guide for iPad that may be useful for students with dyslexia or who just need some additional support with reading and/or writing.

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