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What It Takes – Workplace Language and Literacy 2011

Industry Skills Council Foundation Skills Network (ISCFSN) publication focuses on what can be done in training programs to make sure they help ATSI learners with language, literacy and numeracy issues

ASQA - Forms: Request for approval of third party arrangements for VET courses of concern

Proposed third party arrangements in respect for VET courses of concern should not be notified to ASQA until approved. Download ASQA's form for requesting this approval using this link.

Consultation with Trainer and Assessor Staff Policy and Procedure example template

An example template for a Policy and Procedure about consultation with Trainer and Assessor Staff as part of continuous improvement

Duty Statement - Financial Administrator example template

An example of a duty statement for a financial administration responsible for financial processing and record keeping

TAC - Fact Sheet: Assessment Validation

This fact sheet helps RTOs validate their assessment system as required by the RTO Standards and covers developing a validation plan, ensuring assessments are valid and fair, having qualified validators, understanding key terms, and using validation outcomes to improve assessment practices.

ACER: Survey and Focus Groups of Students Enrolled in Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) Offshore (2018)

As part of the Australian Government’s National Strategy for International Education 2025, the Department of Education and Training commissioned the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to provide an overview of the demographics and experiences of students enrolled in Australian vocational education and training (VET) offshore.

TAC: Fact Sheet: Vocational Competence and Industry Currency

This Training Accreditation Council (TAC) fact sheet considers two areas of a trainer and assessor’s vocational competence and industry currency and should be read in conjunction with the Industry Engagement Fact Sheet.

Duty Statement - Compliance Consultant example template

An example of a duty statement for a consultant responsible for a broad range of compliance advice and services

VET delivery in regional, rural and remote Australia: barriers and facilitators (2023)

This research investigated how the training sector could better meet the needs of regional, rural and remote Australia. It explored how various stakeholders in the VET system understand local skills needs, and the barriers faced by RTOs when delivering training in such locations.

ACER: National Report on Social Equity in VET 2013

This report has been developed by the National VET Equity Advisory Council (NVEAC) to provide baseline information on the participation, achievement and transitions from the Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system for six groups in the Australian population: Indigenous Australians; people with a disability; people from a culturally and linguistically diverse background; people living in remote areas; people from low socioeconomic status backgrounds; and women.

Webinar Recording: NVPDW: Design of Training & Assessment Strategies & Industry Consultation

Recorded on 26/10/2020 and forming part of the National VET PD Week, this 90 minute session that includes an extra Q&A session unpacks the importance of the design of Training and Assessment Strategies and Industry consultation to ensure the TAS takes into account of a range of informing factors.

Velg Cast: Clustering Units of Competency for Assessment

This Velg Cast looks into the purpose behind clustering units of competency together, aligning those units against a specific assessment requirement, using decision making rules within an evidence gathering tool to reflect the requirements of multiple units of competency and representing this process through the use of various mapping documentation.

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