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IEAA: Global perspectives on international student employability (2019)

This paper provides an analysis of global policy settings and provider initiatives around international student employability. It includes preliminary findings of a new study on the uptake of post-study work rights in Australia, as well as case studies from New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Europe.

Tenders WA

Government of WA website link to Tenders WA the portal used to register as a supplier via the tendering process

Australian Government: National Training Complaints Hotline

For complaints relating to experiences whilst undertaking training in the vocational education and training (VET) sector, the National Training Complaints Hotline can refer the complaint to the most appropriate authority to have it considered.

Living on borrowed time - Australia’s economic future (2021)

The Business Council has released a discussion paper designed to kickstart a nationwide conversation about the best ways to shift Australia into the fast lane of growth.

ASQA: Third Party Service Arrangement notification form

ASQA website link to information relating to the Third Party Service Arrangements notification online form

ASQA: Annual declaration on compliance

Australian Skills Quality Authority link to information relating to the annual declaration on compliance

Australian Qualifications Framework website

Link to the Australian Qualifications Framework website

ASQA: VET sector overview

Link to information about the VET sector.

Australian Government: Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Link to the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

TAC: Trainer and Assessor Requirements Webinar - early changes (April 2024)

The early changes to the current Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 have been released and are available to download from the Standards page on the TAC website. These early changes are designed to address current pressures on the VET workforce and provide more immediate benefits to the sector. Some of the early changes are in relation to trainers and assessors within the VET Sector.

ACER - Learner Questionnaire (pdf)

Link to the Learner Engagement Questionnaire.

ASQA: FAQs - Assessment

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) website link to FAQs relating to assessment

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