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Australian Government: ESOS National Code 2018 - Explanation of Parts A, B , C, D

Australian Government link to an explanation of the ESOS National Code 2018 in parts: Part A - Legislative framework, Part B - Government roles and responsibilities, Part C - CRICOS registration, Part D - Standards for registered providers

ASQA: Addressing notices of non-compliance

This page provides an overview of what to do as a course owner when you receive a notice of non-compliance from ASQA.

GenAI concepts: technical, operational and regulatory terms and concepts for generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) (2024)

To help entities interested in GenAI deployments, this publication outlines 42 concepts fundamental to AI software systems. Each concept is illustrated through descriptions, examples and real-world use cases, with accessible language and visual elements to accommodate a diverse range of stakeholders and readerships.

VET Acronyms

An alphabetical list of commonly referenced Vocational Education and Training (VET) acronyms.

Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education (2024)

Education Ministers have agreed on an Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education.

NCVER Glossary of VET

This glossary is a compilation of Australian vocational education and training (VET) terms and acronyms. It includes both current and historical terms, concepts, acronyms and other abbreviations found in Australian VET research, policy and data.

ASQA: Your student obligations when a default occurs (overseas students)

Requirements if you default in respect of an overseas student or intending overseas student.

ASQA: Your student obligations when a default occurs (overseas students)

Requirements if you default in respect of an overseas student or intending overseas student.

VelgCast: Third Party Arrangements for Recruitment Services

An overview explaining information about third party arrangements for recruitment services.

Webinar Recording: NVPDW: Designing a Robust and User-Friendly RPL Process

Recorded on 28/10/2020 and forming part of the National VET PD Week, this 90 minute session that includes an extra Q&A session looks at a number of concepts that should drive the design and implementation of an effective and efficient, user-friendly RPL process.

VET student outcomes 2024

This publication provides a summary of the outcomes and satisfaction of students who undertook nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) delivered by registered training organisations (RTOs) in Australia during 2023.

English Australia: Best Practice Guides (site link)

English Australia link to Best Practice Guides. English Australia regularly prepares Guides to Best Practice in ELICOS (Best Practice Guides), collating information provided by member institutions who represent the full spectrum of provider types, purposes and locations in Australia, and incorporating current TESOL research.

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