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ASQA: ASQA overview

Link to information about the role of ASQA.

ASQA: FAQs Complaints and appeals

The Australian Skills Quality Authority link to FAQs relating to complaints and appeals

ASQA: Webinar - Online learning beyond PDFs and Zoom

ASQA link to webinar to discuss how technology options in education (EdTech) can help to deliver online training and assessment to support quality outcomes for students. The live Q&A featured expertise from across the sector, with insights and advice around the use of various technology solutions to ensure compliance and support providers to self-assure. Broadcast 24/5/21

NT Training Awards

Website link to information about the Training Awards in the Northern Territory

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

AQF website link to information about the Australian Qualifications Framework (and the downloadable PDF)

ACT Training Awards

Website link to information about the Training Awards in the Australian Capital Territory

TAC: Fact Sheet - Marketing and Advertising

The Training Accreditation Council link to the Fact Sheet regarding marketing and advertising

ASQA: General direction - Quality indicators

ASQA website link to the General Direction for quality indicators

ASQA: Financial viability risk assessment tool

ASQA link to the Financial Viability Risk Assessment (FVRA) tool.

ASQA: FAQs Marketing

The Australian Skills Quality Authority link to FAQs relating to Marketing

VET Student Loans Approved Course Providers

Australian Government website link to the list of Providers Approved to offer VET Student Loans.

ACT Skilled Needs List

The ACT Skills Needs List identifies skills and workforce needs in the ACT. This enables the ACT Government to better target skills shortages, helping to ensure ACT employers have the skilled workforce they need.

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