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TAC: Fact Sheet - Third Party Arrangements

The Training Accreditation Council link to the Fact Sheet regarding Third Party Arrangements

ASQA: FAQs – Transition of Training Products

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) link to frequently asked questions relating to transition of training products

ASQA: When training products change

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) link to information about what to do when training products change

Apprenticeships and Traineeship Policy (NT)

NT Government website link to the Apprenticeship and Traineeship policy

Queensland Training Awards

Website link to information about the Queensland Training Awards

Northern Territory Apprenticeship and traineeship database

NT Government website link to the Apprenticeship and Traineeship database

Jobs and Skills Australia

Link to the website of Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA).

NCVER: Report - Building capability and quality in VET teaching: opportunities and challenges (2020)

NCVER link to report that examines ways to enhance the quality of teaching in the vocational education and training (VET) sector in Australia.

Australian Training Awards

Australian Government website link to the Australian Training Awards webpage

National Skills Week

SkillsOne website link to information about the National Skills Week

Tasmanian Training Awards

Website link to information about the Training Awards in Tasmania

Qld Training Priority Skills List

Qld Government website link to the Priority Skills list.

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