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ASQA: Qualifications and statements of attainment

ASQA guide to the issuing of qualifications and statements of attainment

ASQA: General Direction - Resourcing Requirements

ASQA website link to the General Direction for resourcing requirements for applicants seeking initial registration or change to scope of registration.

IP Australia: Understanding IP

Learn more about intellectual property (IP). Find out about the different kinds of IP, how they apply to you and how to make them work for your business.

Developing a Queensland Vocational Education and Training Strategy (2023)

Access resources to generate public discussion and comment to inform the development of a new Queensland Vocational Education and Training Strategy.

Australian Universities Accord Final Report Document (2024)

The Australian Universities Accord Final Report contains 47 recommendations for Government consideration and aims to create a long-term reform plan for the higher education sector to meet Australia’s future skills needs.

VET Student loans 2024 Course List and Loan Caps (2024)

The VET Student Loans (Courses and Loan Caps) Amendment Determination (No. 2) 2023 (Amendment Determination) came into effect on 1 January 2024. This fact sheet provides a summary of the changes to the course list and loan caps. Please refer to the Determination (and the Amendment Determination) for the full list of VSL approved courses.

Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy 2019

NSW Government website link to the Fee Administration Policy 2019 for Smart and Skilled

AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for Continuing Registration

Australian Government website link to the AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for Continuing Registration

User Choice Guidelines and Conditions

Skills Tasmania website link to the User Choice Guidelines and Conditions

WA Training Awards

Website link to information about the Training Awards in Western Australia

AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for Initial Registration

Australian Government website link to the AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for Initial Registration

Qld Government Trade Skills Assessment and Gap Training Program

Qld Government website link to information about the Trade Skills Assessment and Gap Training Program

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