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Skills First Fact Sheet for Private Providers

Victorian Government website link to the Skills First Fact Sheet for Private Providers

Skilled Capital Initiative

ACT Government website link to information about the Skilled Capital Initiative

Certificate 3 Guarantee Program Policy 2018-19

Qld Government website link to the Certificate 3 Guarantee Program Policy 2018-19

SA Training Awards

Website link to information about the Training Awards in South Australia

ASQA FAQs Informing Learners

The Australian Skills Quality Authority link to FAQ about informing learners

ASQA: Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2021

ASQA website link to the Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2021.

ASQA: FAQs – Assessment Validation

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) website link to their FAQs regarding assessment validation

TAC: Fact Sheet – Delivery of TAE Qualifications

The Training and Accreditation Council Fact Sheet relating to delivery of TAE qualifications

Velg Training Trainer/Assessor Vocational Competence Equivalence Suite

This product contains vocational competency resources to assist RTOs trainers/assessors in meeting their requirements in demonstrating vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed.

TAC - Fact Sheet: Internal Audit (2023)

Fact sheet This Fact Sheet explores the use of internal audits as one approach to measure the effectiveness of the RTOs systems and processes in assuring the quality of outcomes for learners and industry.

Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET)

ADCET provides information and practical guidelines to support disability practitioners, teachers and students to support the improvement of the educational experiences and successful outcomes for students with a disability in post-secondary education.

IEAA: Learning and Teaching Across Cultures Good Practice Principles and Quick Guides (2013)

The Good Practice Principles Teaching Across Cultures have been developed to guide and inform practice. They are designed to help program leaders and teachers to design, implement and evaluate curricula and teaching practices.

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