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Australian Government website link to - the National Register of VET.

Australian Core Skills Framework

Australian Government website link to information about the Australian Core Skills Framework

Australian Government: Industry Engagement Reforms

Australian Government link to information about Industry Engagement in the VET system.

TAC: Webinar - RTO Marketing

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar aims to increase the capability of RTOs and their staff in understanding marketing requirements for RTOs, as prescribed in the Standards for RTOs 2015 (the Standards). The session will cover frequently asked questions related to marketing requirements and achieving compliance with the Standards, outline common mistakes and provide practical examples.

TAS Template and Guide

This product provides both a TAS template and a comprehensive supporting guide to assist in identifying and explaining the level of details required in the TAS, to demonstrate compliance.

Australian Government: Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030 (2021)

On 26 November 2021 the Australian Government released the Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030 and announced key initiatives supporting its implementation. As borders reopen to welcome international students back into Australia, the new Strategy aims to rebuild the sector more sustainably and create new opportunities for growth.

GAN Australia: Report & Video - Digital skilling: situational analysis: Australia (2021)

GAN Australia - link to report & video. The report aims to identify outcomes that can shape Australia’s digital skilling system at Vocational Education and Training (VET) stakeholder level to engage a range of stakeholders in policy development and to inform later stages of the Microsoft Philanthropy digital skilling project.

Webinar Recording: Trainer Currency & Vocational Capability

Recorded on the 26/08/20. This webinar unpacked the differences between industry and vocational competency, and explored strategies to maintain and demonstrate your currency.

Webinar Recording: Empowering Adults for Powerful Learning: Andragogy in Action

Recorded on 22/11/2023 this webinar invited you to explore the concept of Andragogy, the art and science of adult learning and its historical journey.

Focus Week: ChatGPT and AI: Assessment challenges and opportunities

Recorded on 24/07/2023, this 90-minute webinar looked at both the challenges and opportunities that ChatGPT and AI will bring to the way we assess.

Webinar Recording: What Auditors are Looking for in Completed Student Files

Recorded on 21/08/2020 this webinar looked at a student file from the auditors lens. What are the must have documents to meet your regulatory obligations, what are the maybe documents and the nice to have documents in a student file.

Focus Week: Third-Party Triumph: Reliable and Effective Third-Party Reports

Recorded on 26/07/2023 and forming part of Velg Training's Focus Week on Assessment Tools and Practices, This 90-minute webinar has been designed to help you maximize the potential of third-party evidence collection in your VET assessments! Dive in to discover the secrets of developing third-party reports that provide reliable and authentic evidence to support valid assessment decisions.

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