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AQF logo and copyright

Australian Qualifications Framework link to the AQF colour logo and copyright

Australian Government: PRISMS

Australian Government website link to the Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS)

Revised quality Standards

Stay up to date with ASQA information about the draft revised Standards.

VET Student loans 2024 Course List and Loan Caps (2024)

The VET Student Loans (Courses and Loan Caps) Amendment Determination (No. 2) 2023 (Amendment Determination) came into effect on 1 January 2024. This fact sheet provides a summary of the changes to the course list and loan caps. Please refer to the Determination (and the Amendment Determination) for the full list of VSL approved courses.

Velg Training Trainer/Assessor Vocational Competence Equivalence Suite

This product contains vocational competency resources to assist RTOs trainers/assessors in meeting their requirements in demonstrating vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed.

Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET)

ADCET provides information and practical guidelines to support disability practitioners, teachers and students to support the improvement of the educational experiences and successful outcomes for students with a disability in post-secondary education.

TAFETalks: Webinar - Jobs and Skills Australia: 2023 priorities and impact on TAFE (2023)

In this webinar, TDA CEO, Jenny Dodd will facilitate a discussion with Peter on the JSA’s initial priorities. The Australian Government has established JSA to provide expert advice to government on Australia’s skills, labour market and workforce needs and priorities.

Integrity good practice guide (2024)

This Integrity Good Practice Guide brings together a sample of good practices, to shine a light on innovative work underway and to encourage the sharing and uptake of scalable ideas across the APS.

TAC - Fact Sheet: Internal Audit (2023)

Fact sheet This Fact Sheet explores the use of internal audits as one approach to measure the effectiveness of the RTOs systems and processes in assuring the quality of outcomes for learners and industry.

TAC: Webinar - RTO Marketing

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar aims to increase the capability of RTOs and their staff in understanding marketing requirements for RTOs, as prescribed in the Standards for RTOs 2015 (the Standards). The session will cover frequently asked questions related to marketing requirements and achieving compliance with the Standards, outline common mistakes and provide practical examples.

IEAA: Learning and Teaching Across Cultures Good Practice Principles and Quick Guides (2013)

The Good Practice Principles Teaching Across Cultures have been developed to guide and inform practice. They are designed to help program leaders and teachers to design, implement and evaluate curricula and teaching practices.

Australian Government: Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030 (2021)

On 26 November 2021 the Australian Government released the Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030 and announced key initiatives supporting its implementation. As borders reopen to welcome international students back into Australia, the new Strategy aims to rebuild the sector more sustainably and create new opportunities for growth.

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