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Australian Government: International Education

Australian Government website link to the official Australian Government website that provides information for international students and for educational institutions.

Productivity Commission: Future of Markets and TAFE (2019)

Productivity Commission Chair Michael Brennan presented to the TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) Convention in Brisbane on 4 September 2019.

Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015

Australian Government website link to the Federal Register of Legislation - Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015

National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011

Australian Government website link to the Federal Register of Legislation - National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011

Skills councils and committees

Information on the councils and committees that advise, support and make decisions to progress skills and training matters.

TAFE Value and Perception Challenge Research (2024)

This report provides insight into the perception challenges facing TAFE in Victoria, the present opportunities to build on its rich history and its significant impacts in equipping the Victorian workforce.

OECD - Skills (site link)

The OECD helps countries to improve skills governance and the design of both VET programmes and adult learning systems that are responsive to changing skill needs. It supports policymakers through better evidence on the skills of adults and employer needs as well as through advice on good policy practices.

Evaluating machine learning for projecting completion rates for VET programs (2023)

This paper summarises exploratory analysis undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of using machine learning approaches to calculate projected completion rates for vocational education and training (VET) programs, and compares this with the current approach used at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) — Markov chains methodology.

Australian Skills Classification

The Australian Skills Classification (ASC) was developed to provide a common language of skills to increase understanding and recognition of skills across occupations, sectors, and contexts. Consultation with JSA’s Consultative Forum and with some Jobs and Skills Councils has identified limitations and weaknesses of the ASC including the need for stronger stakeholder input.

NCVER: Evolution not revolution: views on training products reform (2017)

In 2016 the Council of Australian Government (COAG) Industry Skills Council and the Skills Senior Officials Network commenced deliberations in relation to the reform of national training products – training packages and accredited courses. Their aim was to ensure training products remain relevant and support skills development as technology, jobs and industries change.

Building Future-Ready Vocational Education and Training Systems (2023)

Structural changes highlight the need to re-engineer certain parts of VET systems in some countries to make them more resilient and ensure they can make the most of the opportunities ongoing changes present. This report zooms in on four key dimensions of future-ready VET systems.

Australian Government: Quick Guide - Marketing and Publishing (VET Student Loans) (2019)

This quick guide provides information on marketing and publishing requirements related to the VET Student Loans program.

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