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Embedding Literacy Development

Recorded on the 11/09/2023, Attendees learnt practical and helpful (hidden) literacy strategies to help your learners.

Digital Learning Video Planning Kit (Zip Folder)

Want to create your digital learning videos but not sure where to start? This Video Storyboard template and accompanying Video Script template provide you with the perfect starting point for your planning.

ASQA: Video - Validation and Moderation Explained

Validation and moderation have both been used in VET to promote and enhance quality practices in assessment. Watch this short video to help understand the differences between these important processes.

Australian Framework for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Schools (2023)

The Australian Framework for Generative AI in Schools (the Framework) seeks to guide the responsible and ethical use of generative AI tools in ways that benefit students, schools, and society.

Webinar Recording: TAE PD Week - Identifying LLN Needs and Developing Support Strategies

Recorded on 1/12/2020 and forming part of the TAE PD Week this webinar provided guidance on how to analyse the LLN needs in a training specification or workplace standard, using the Australian Core Skills Framework.

Better Practice Complaint Handling Guide (2023)

This 2023 edition of the guide recognises issues and provides the principles of complaint handling and key considerations to support complaint handling staff, at all levels, in the operation of a resilient and successful system

Department of Education: Preparing Secondary Students for Work Framework (2014)

The Preparing Secondary Students for Work framework encourages schools to integrate vocational learning and vocational education and training (VET) into secondary schooling. It provides resources and tools to implement and enhance career education and vocational learning programs.

NCVER: VET for secondary school students: insights and outcomes (2021)

This study investigates the models used to deliver VET to secondary students across and within jurisdictions and public and private school sectors, and reports on findings from surveys of students and parents about their motivations and aspirations.

Skilled. Thriving. Connected - Policy Direction for Skills in South Australia (2024)

The Policy Direction for Skills in South Australia sets out a clear response to immediate skills needs and signals how they will support South Australians to engage in education and training and transition into secure, well-paid jobs.

ASQA: Video—Validation and moderation explained

Validation and moderation have both been used in VET to promote and enhance quality practices in assessment. Watch this short video to help understand the differences between these important processes.

ASQA: Self assessment tool for RTOs

ASQA have provided a self-assessment tool for RTO's, aligning with the five phases of the student centred audit approach, to use as part of their Quality Assurance process and in support of continuous improvement.

VRQA: New Guidelines for VET Providers (2024)

On 4 April 2024, the VRQA Board approved changes to our Guidelines for VET Providers. This ensures consistency with national standards for VRQA-registered training organisations (RTOs).

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