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Australian Government: International Education Data and Research (site link)

The department collects and publishes several data sets and visualisations to explore international student demographics at Australian institutions.

eLearn: Understanding VET (2023)

This eLearn explores how all these different parts come together to form the Vocational Education and Training sector in Australia.

Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015

Australian Government website link to the Federal Register of Legislation - Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015

Smart and Skilled NSW Skills List

NSW Government website link to the list of qualifications eligible for a government subsidy under Smart and Skilled

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000

Australian Government website link to the Federal Register of Legislation -Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000.

Effective teaching practices and student support services in online VET (2023)

The aim of this research was to identify the teaching practices and student support services that facilitate the successful online delivery of vocational education and training (VET), including in blended delivery.

AQTF Audit Handbook

Australian Government website link to the AQTF Audit Handbook that guides registering bodies in the planning, conducting and reporting of audits

Australian Government ESOS Legislative Framework

Australian Government website link to information about the ESOS legislative framework that establishes requirements and standards for the quality assurance of education and training in this area.

Future Directions Paper for Australian Apprenticeship Support Services (2023)

Stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on the proposed Australian Apprenticeship Support Services model elements outlined in the Future Directions Paper.

VET Student Loans: New Tuition Protection Arrangements from 1 January 2020

The Australian Government have expanded the successful Tuition Protection Services (TPS) for international students to include similar tuition protections for domestic students accessing a VET Student Loan (VSL).

Insights - RMIT Online

RMIT Online’s research seeks to better understand the challenges and opportunities ahead of us in the world of work through collaboration with government, industry and education.

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR)

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations enables access to quality skills, training and employment to support Australians find secure work in fair, productive and safe workplaces – supporting individuals, businesses and our nation to prosper.

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