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International Provider - Tuition Protection Service (TPS)

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) assists international students on student visas whose education providers are unable to fully deliver their course of study.

LLND Collection

This collection brings together current and historical publications and resources to support research and practice in the language, literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy/skills (LLND) community.

Velg Training Transition Plan template

This product provides a template for ensuring transition to new training products occurs within the required time frames and complies with the requirements set out in SRTO 1.26 & 1.27.

VRQA: VET standards and guidelines

Link to VET standards and guidelines relevant to to being registered and operate in Victoria.

ASQA: FAQs Fit and proper person requirements

Australian Skills Quality Authority link to FAQs relating to fit and proper person requirements

National Anti-Scam Centre warns of spike in scams threatening Chinese students (2023)

Scammers are increasingly using a range of alarming tactics to threaten, intimidate and steal from Chinese students living in Australia, the National Anti-Scam Centre has warned.

Simple RTO Risk Register example template

A simple template example to use to record risk assessment

NCVER: AVETMISS support for RTOs

NCVER website link to supporting resources and information relating to AVETMISS

My Future: Vocational education and training (VET)

To support teachers, career practitioners, parents and carers to equip students with information about VET, this page includes links to key VET resources and organisations.

AITSL: Report - Building a high quality and sustainable dual qualified VET workforce (2021)

AITSL link to report on the need for a high quality and sustainable workforce of VET teachers/trainers and assessors in schools that can meet the diverse needs of secondary students, and maintain the quality and industry relevance of the vocational education and training being delivered.

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