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OECD: The potential of online learning for adults: Early lessons from the COVID-19 crisis (2020)

This brief discusses the potential of online learning to increase adult learning opportunities and identifies some key issues that the crisis has highlighted. Addressing these issues could contribute to expanding online learning provision in the post-crisis period and to making it more inclusive.

Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities (2023)

Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities was released in September 2023. It outlines the Government’s vision for a dynamic and inclusive labour market. One where everyone has the opportunity for secure, fairly paid work and people, businesses and communities can be beneficiaries of change and thrive.

ResearchGate: Not All International Students are the Same: Understanding Segments, Mapping Behavior August 2012

Based on the survey response of nearly 1,600 prospective international students from 115 countries collected October 2011 through March 2012, international students are segmented into four distinct groups: highfliers, strivers, explorers and strugglers. Significant differences are found in their information needs and use of information channels.

The impact of increasing university participation on the characteristics of apprentices (2024)

This analysis uses data from the Longitudinal Surveys of Youth (LSAY) to compare the characteristics of apprenticeship-bound with university-bound young people and to look at if they have changed over time.

Focus Week: Mastering the Map: Unleash the Power of Assessment Mapping

Recorded on 28/07/2023 and forming part of Velg Training's Focus Week on Assessment Tools and Practices, Unlock the full potential of assessment mapping and transform your VET practice! Attendees Joined our expert-led webinar to discover the secrets of designing and utilizing powerful mapping documents, ensuring valid evidence collection and streamlined validation and audit processes.

Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities (2023)

Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities was released in September 2023. It outlines the Government’s vision for a dynamic and inclusive labour market. One where everyone has the opportunity for secure, fairly paid work and people, businesses and communities can be beneficiaries of change and thrive.

The wellbeing economy in brief: understanding the growing agenda and its implications (2024)

This series of papers reflect on why Australia needs to build a wellbeing economy, and attempts to clarify terms and expressions and associated wellbeing economy ideas so that discussions can take place from a basis of shared understanding and language.

Webinar Recording: Proactively Managing Student Behaviour using the TERA Model

Recorded on 10/03/2021 this brand new webinar provided valuable insights into how to use neuroscience to prevent unproductive behaviour in students.

TAC: Webinar - Making an Assessment Decision

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar which provides RTOs with practical and specific information to support the use of assessment tools to gather good evidence, making valid assessment judgements with that evidence, and recording the evidence and outcomes

ASQA: Video - Understanding the TAE product validation process

Any assessment validation of training and education (TAE) products needs to be conducted independently. How do you assemble an independent team, and what are the requirements? Watch this short video to find out more.

The future of vocational education and training in Europe: v 3 - The influence of assessments on vocational learning (2022)

This report focuses on the role played by assessment in the delivery of VET. A key question is whether the objectives set in national curricula, by qualifications standards and in programme descriptions are improved or undermined by dominant assessment approaches.

ASQA: What is the difference between validation and moderation? (Clauses 1.9 - 1.11)

ASQA link to explanation of the difference between validation and moderation.

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