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ASQA Spotlight Series 2: Assessment Validation

ASQA link to Spotlight Series 2: Assessment Validation which focuses on how to conduct assessment validation and the importance and benefits to your training.

TAFETalks: Webinar - Jobs and Skills Australia: 2023 priorities and impact on TAFE (2023)

In this webinar, TDA CEO, Jenny Dodd will facilitate a discussion with Peter on the JSA’s initial priorities. The Australian Government has established JSA to provide expert advice to government on Australia’s skills, labour market and workforce needs and priorities.

Integrity good practice guide (2024)

This Integrity Good Practice Guide brings together a sample of good practices, to shine a light on innovative work underway and to encourage the sharing and uptake of scalable ideas across the APS.

ICEF: Webinars and Podcasts for International Education (site link)

ICEF: link to webinars and podcasts hosted by ICEF - a specialist provider of business-to-business networking events and marketing intelligence services to the international education industry.

ESOS Regulations 2019 for CRICOS-registered providers

The new ESOS Regulations for CRICOS-registered providers came into effect on 1 October 2019. This link takes you to ASQA's news release outlining a breakdown of the key changes to provider obligations and enables you to download the ESOS Regulations 2019.

Australian Goverment CRICOS

Australian Government website link to the official Australian Government website that lists all Australian education providers that offer courses to people studying in Australia on student visas and the courses offered.

Critical Role of Blue Tech and Digital Skills in Australia’s Economic Recovery (2020)

This submission from Cisco, Optus and TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) seeks for the Australian Government to work with industry and TAFEs for greater action on the rising requirement for our nation to develop blue tech and digital skills.

TAC: TAC Talk - Ep14 - Marketing and Advertising

This episode provides further information on Standards 4 and 5 of the Standards for RTOs, which require RTOs to provide accurate and accessible information about themselves, their services, and their performance and that RTOs ensure that each prospective and current learner is properly informed.

Shared vision, equal pathways Report (2024)

During this inquiry, it became apparent that learners, employers, and other stakeholders lack reliable information on VET, and often rely on individual RTOs and government websites. Information is often inconsistent across sources and is not always current or relevant.

Productivity Commission: 5 Year Productivity Inquiry: Australia's data and digital dividend (2022)

The Productivity Inquiry focuses on the enablers of productivity growth in a modern, market-based, service-oriented world. The second interim report explores how digital technology and data can be used to improve Australia’s productivity.

Effective teaching practices and student support services in online VET (2023)

The aim of this research was to identify the teaching practices and student support services that facilitate the successful online delivery of vocational education and training (VET), including in blended delivery.

ASQA: Standard 10.12 – Course assessment strategy

ASQA link to information about course assessment strategy from the Users’ guide to Standards for VET Accredited Courses.

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