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Australian Government: Rapid Response Information Report: Generative AI (2023)

This Generative AI research report responds to the questions: What are the opportunities and risks of applying large language models (LLMs) and multimodal foundation models (MFMs) learning technologies over the next two, five and ten years? What are some examples of strategies that have been put in place internationally by other advanced economies since the launch of models like ChatGPT to address the potential opportunities and impacts of artificial intelligence (AI)?

SpringerOpen: Understanding fully online teaching in vocational education (2020)

The purpose of this small study was to contribute an understanding of pedagogy within the combined yet potentially disparate teaching contexts of online education and VET in Australia.

Two scenarios using the CSfW in an Employment Services setting 2013

Australian Government publication that contains two scenarios demonstrating how the CSfW might be used

Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework – A guide for Employers 2013

Australian Government publication providing an overview of the CSfW for employers relating to application and benefits

Permission to teach VET: Enabling a vicious circle that maintains the low status of VET education (2024)

This paper discusses the Vocational Major which was introduced in Victoria, Australia in 2023 to raise the status of Vocational Education and Training (VET). To address demand for qualified VET teachers in secondary schools, VET trainers without a teaching qualification are granted permission to teach VET.

Mapping National Curriculum General Capabilities to CSfW and ACSF 2013

Australian Government publication that maps the Australian National Curriculum general capabilities to CSfW and ACSF

Core Skills For Work Developmental Framework - Facilitating Individual Development 2013

Australian Government publication providing an example of how the CSfW can be used as a theoretical underpinning from which resources and tools can be developed

Mapping Core Skills for Work to Employability Skills Framework Bridging document 2013

Australian Government publication providing a detailed understanding of how the CSfW aligns with the 2002 Employability Skills Framework

Building effective RTO-employer partnerships: good practice guide (2023)

Effective partnerships between training providers and employers are important for ensuring a robust VET sector. RTO-employer partnerships act as channels through which industry skill needs are met with relevant training, while simultaneously building the capacity and resilience of providers and employers alike. Based on case studies of RTO-employer partnerships that varied in terms of employer size, RTO type and industry, this good practice guide provides insights into effective strategies for RTOs that foster the development of quality partnerships with employers. A companion research report provides discussion and further insights related to the drivers, benefits and challenges of RTO-employer partnerships.

RPL in the VET Sector 2003

An ANTA/NCVER publication that identifies and analyses what drives and what creates barriers to effective implementation of recognition of prior learning (RPL).

Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework Overview 2013

Australian Government publication - the official overview of the developmental framework

Permission to teach VET: Enabling a vicious circle that maintains the low status of VET education (2024)

This paper discusses the Vocational Major which was introduced in Victoria, Australia in 2023 to raise the status of Vocational Education and Training (VET). To address demand for qualified VET teachers in secondary schools, VET trainers without a teaching qualification are granted permission to teach VET.

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