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Product: Vocational Competency and Equivalence Mapping Tool Template

Training Tools Australia


It is a compliance requirement that trainers and assessors have vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed, and this mapping tool template gives a perfect framework to document relevant knowledge, skills and experience.

The tool comes as a four tab spreadsheet together with an example sheet complete with notes and instructions.  The four tabs within the spreadsheet cover:

1. Purpose: What the tool is for; How to use the tool; Glossary of relevant terms; Useful links and notes.

2. Mapping: Which can be completed at a micro unit-by-unit level; or macro unit-within-a-qualification level.

3. Evidence Summary: Where all relevant evidence can be catalogued, related to knowledge and skills required by the unit(s), and verified.  This table allows for a record of qualifications, work, industry currency and VET currency.

4. Approval Record: Where the RTO's compliance manager (or other appropriate personnel) can record their judgement on the evidence; whether it is sufficient for purpose, and whether it meets the needs of the RTO.

This product is a must for any trainer/assessor who needs a robust, thorough way to demonstrate evidence of vocational competency. It has been updated to reflect early changes to the Standards for RTOs 2015 which came into effect 1 March 2024.


This resource is available for purchase

Non-member: 99.00 incl. GST
Member: 77.00 incl. GST

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