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TAC: Webinar - Design and Development of an Assessment System

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar provides both practical and specific information on the design and development of assessment systems with an emphasis on; the fundamentals of competency-based assessment, key drivers, and the shaping and documenting of assessment systems.

Jobs and Skills Australia Act 2022

This Act establishes Jobs and Skills Australia, sets out the functions of Jobs and Skills Australia and deals with other matters .

NCVER: Upskilling and reskilling: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employers and their training choices (2022)

Using data from the Survey of Employer Use and Views of the VET System and other complementary sources, this report examines how employers have fared due to the COVID-19 pandemic and what this has meant for their current and future training requirements.

The Crux of the Matter 2011 LLN and VET

DET QLD publication designed to give models of best practice, suggestions and practical assistance regarding LLN in VET

The Clean Energy Generation (2023)

The Australian Government commissioned Jobs and Skills Australia to undertake a capacity study on the workforce needs for Australia's transition to a clean energy economy.

CIGI: Regulating the International Digital Economy, with Trade and Innovation in Mind (2022)

This paper illustrates the importance of governance in relation to private-sector innovation and recommends next steps to enhance governance, close gaps and promote further innovation.

The Australian Core Skills Framework

Australian Government website link to information about the Australian Core Skills Framework

VelgCast: Techniques to increase consistency in assessment

An overview that explores techniques to increase consistency in assessment, such as networks, tools, guidelines and validation

The Clean Energy Generation (2023)

The Australian Government commissioned Jobs and Skills Australia to undertake a capacity study on the workforce needs for Australia’s transition to a clean energy economy. This study provides critical evidence and insights to support the workforce planning, policy development and program design needed to build a strong and vibrant clean energy sector. The study’s terms of reference and discussion paper are also available on the Jobs and Skills Australia website.

Webinar Recording: Back to Basics (Webinar Bundle)

Recorded on the 8th, 15th and 22nd April 2024 this 3-part series unpacked what it means in practice, to implement a system that ensures that assessment is conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence.

Ai Group: Skilling Australia to lock in our digital future (2022)

This report sets out the scale of the digital transformation opportunity (and challenge) before us, and recommends a series of policy actions.

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