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Webinar Recording: How RTOs can Demonstrate Compliance with the Standards (Part 2 – Training and Assessment)

Recorded on the 25/02/2022 and forming part of a two-part series focusing on evidence. This 90-minute webinar is the second in a two-part series which explored the clauses that apply specifically to training and assessment.

The Future of the Workforce: Apprentices in building and construction June 2024

Apprentices are the main source of new industry entrants. One in 10 industry workers are currently undertaking an apprenticeship, making up a third of the total apprentices in Australia.

The future of the workforce: the building and construction industry (2024)

This report forecasts the building and construction industry needs 130,000 additional workers this year to overcome workforce shortages. It takes a closer look at the current state of the industry, the impact of chronic workforce shortages, and recommends policy measures to relieve the pressure.

ASQA: Recording changes to training and assessment strategies for small to medium-sized RTOs

The information in this guide has been developed by Audit Express and has been provided to ASQA for the benefit of information sharing within the VET sector.

Jobs and Skills Australia Act 2022

This Act establishes Jobs and Skills Australia, sets out the functions of Jobs and Skills Australia and deals with other matters .

TAC: Webinar - Design and Development of an Assessment System

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar provides both practical and specific information on the design and development of assessment systems with an emphasis on; the fundamentals of competency-based assessment, key drivers, and the shaping and documenting of assessment systems.

The Role of Industry in VET (2024)

The research project investigated: The different ways in which industry and VET can be defined and conceptualised in VET systems; The different roles that industry can play in VET systems; and Models for industry involvement in the development of VET teaching and learning, and potential models for contextualisation and implementation in Victoria and Australia.

VelgCast: How to submit Quality Indicators

An overview of how to submit Quality Indicators data as per ASQA's General Direction

NCVER: VET as a re-engagement pathway for early school leavers (2022)

Analysis of the Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth (LSAY) confirms that VET is an important pathway to educational re-engagement for young people who have left school before completing Year 12. It also highlights the importance of providing career information, not only to young people but also their parents/carers, before and after leaving school.

VelgCast: Introduction to Units of Competency

An information overview to assist with understanding a Unit of Competency.

NCVER: Upskilling and reskilling: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employers and their training choices (2022)

Using data from the Survey of Employer Use and Views of the VET System and other complementary sources, this report examines how employers have fared due to the COVID-19 pandemic and what this has meant for their current and future training requirements.

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