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The wellbeing economy in brief: understanding the growing agenda and its implications (2024)

This series of papers reflect on why Australia needs to build a wellbeing economy, and attempts to clarify terms and expressions and associated wellbeing economy ideas so that discussions can take place from a basis of shared understanding and language.

Mapping the student journey: the many faces of completion and non-completion in VET (2024)

This document provides technical detail and supporting data for the research findings discussed in ‘The student journey in VET: the many faces of completion and non-completion’.

Webinar: Cashflow and Financial Viability in the Current RTO Environment

Recorded on 22/01/2020, this webinar explored the factors of funding, profitability, invoice timing, invoice collection, other funding and payments and how they can be managed proactively.

Webinar: Cashflow and Financial Viability in the Current RTO Environment

Recorded on 22/01/2020, this webinar explored the factors of funding, profitability, invoice timing, invoice collection, other funding and payments and how they can be managed proactively.

Webinar Recording: NVPDW: Get Clarity! Defining the Terminology

Recorded on 16/11/2021 and forming part of Velg Training's National VET PD Week this webinar, presented by Courtney Smith from ASQA, unpacked some of the key validation terminology so we can all get clear!

Webinar: Cashflow and Financial Viability in the Current RTO Environment

Recorded on 22/01/2020, this webinar explored the factors of funding, profitability, invoice timing, invoice collection, other funding and payments and how they can be managed proactively.

The student journey: the many faces of completion and non-completion in VET (2024)

This research explores the many faces of course completion and non-completion in vocational education and training.

Webinar: Jobs and Skills Australia: Creating the Future (2023)

The expectations of Jobs and Skills Australia are high - very high. What does JSA need to do to meet these expectations? What can industry expect? How can industry be involved?

Good practice in VET teaching and learning: a guide to practitioner perspectives [2018]

This link takes you to a guide which provides information and examples of good practice in teaching and learning VET.

TAC: Revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) Online Guidance Hub

The following guidance has been developed to assist RTOs in understanding their obligations under the Revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).

Webinar: Cashflow and Financial Viability in the Current RTO Environment

Recorded on 22/01/2020, this webinar explored the factors of funding, profitability, invoice timing, invoice collection, other funding and payments and how they can be managed proactively.

School-to-work pathways, issued 15 July 2019

This research report explores the school-to-work transitions of Australian youth aged 16 to 25 years.

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