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VRQA: Standing Application for Amendments to Training Packages – About Form E

VRQA website link to information about Form E and the ‘standing application’

VET Qualification Reform Consultation Feedback (2023)

Between September 2022 and March 2023, significant national consultation was undertaken to test and refine an example VET qualification model.

Assessment Policy Outline example template

An example template for use by RTOs as a way to record an assessment policy

TAC: Webinar - Designing and Using Assessment Tools

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar which provides information on the design and development of assessment tools to gather evidence that can be used to make judgements of competence.

ASQA: Providing quality training and assessment services to students with disabilities

Registered training organisations are required to comply with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA), and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 when providing services for students who may have a disability.

Listening to Australian businesses on workforce and skills 2024: Skills in demand (2024)

The final Research Insight from the Ai Group Centre for Education and Training's 2024 Skills and Workforce Survey shows that Technicians and Trades workers are in high demand and increasingly hard to find.

English Australia: Guide to best practice in international student safety (2019)

English Australia: link to Guide to best practice in international student safety (2019)

TAC: Fact Sheet - Third Party Arrangements - A Fact Sheet for the third party

The Training Accreditation Council link to the Fact Sheet regarding Third Party Arrangements - A Fact Sheet for the third party

The Queensland Government 2018-2019 Annual VET Investment Plan Fact Sheet

Qld Government website link to the Fact Sheet for the 2018-19 Annual Investment Plan

National Code Tutorial (2020)

The National Code Tutorial (NCT) is an online training course designed to teach the ESOS Act and National Code 2018 to professionals in the international education sector. It is intended for ongoing use to all registered participants.

TAC: Fact Sheet - The Australian Qualifications Framework and Units of Competency

The Training Accreditation Council link to the Fact Sheet regarding The Australian Qualifications Framework and Units of Competency

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