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Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission: Obligations to your students

VEOHRC website link to information about obligations in making reasonable adjustments so students and clients with disability can learn without discrimination.

ADCET: NDIS Pre-planning Toolkit for people with disability entering Higher Education or Vocational Education and Training

The NDIS Pre-planning Toolkit is for people with disability entering Higher Education or Vocational Education and Training is designed to be used before you starting a tertiary course at university or with a vocational education and training provider.

AiGroup: The Quest for Skills: Tackling shortages in a disrupted world (2021)

The report contextualises member reported shortages within broader macroeconomic trends and the current policy mix. It outlines the short, medium and long-term approaches businesses can adopt to prevent abrupt skill shortages hindering their business operations and growth.

ChatGPT and artificial intelligence in higher education: quick start guide (2023)

The Quick Start Guide is a short, jargon-free downloadable guide that provides an overview of how ChatGPT works and explains how it can be used in higher education.

ACAL: Resilience: Stories of Adult Learning

Australian Council for Adult Literacy (ACAL) link to an eBook which tells the stories of adult lifelong learners from various learning environments

NCVER: Industry’s role in VET governance: using international insights to inform new practices (2021)

This literature summary brings together findings using primarily international country comparisons on industry's role in VET over the last decade.

The National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements) Instrument 2021

Australian Government website link to the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements) Instrument 2021

Study in Australia TV: Webinar - The regulatory framework associated with international education in Australia (2021)

Study in Australia TV link to webinar, broadcast - 27/6/21, about the regulatory framework associated with international education in Australia

IBSA: Video - IBSA discusses establishing the Manufacturing Jobs and Skills Council with TAFE Directors Australia (2023)

IBSA Group CEO, Sharon Robertson and General Manager of Industry and Engagement, Phil Clarke, explain the highlights of the new JSC model and its benefit to TAFEs and industry.

Webinar Recording: Some Observations on Observation

Recorded on the 20/11/21 this webinar was specifically designed to increase knowledge and practice of observation assessment. Observation is a powerful method of gathering direct evidence, but it does have its problems.

Journal of Vocational Education & Training - open access articles (site link)

The Journal of Vocational Education and Training is a peer-reviewed international journal which welcomes submissions involving a critical discussion of policy and practice, as well as contributions to conceptual and theoretical developments in the field.

Product: Vocational Competency and Equivalence Mapping Tool Template

It is a compliance requirement that trainers and assessors have vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed, and this mapping tool template gives a perfect framework to document relevant knowledge, skills and experience.

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