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Velg Training Risk Register Tool template

This risk register tool can be used for assessing and recording potential risks faced by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) against the Standards for RTOs 2015. The template is able to be amended to ensure that it reflects the specific requirements of the RTO using this product.

The impact of context on evidence-based practices: A rapid literature scan on formative assessment, explicit instruction and mastery learning (2024)

This report presents the findings of AERO’s rapid literature review on the effects of the evidence-based teaching practices formative assessment, explicit instruction and mastery learning on student achievement across contexts.

National Code Tutorial (2020)

The National Code Tutorial (NCT) is an online training course designed to teach the ESOS Act and National Code 2018 to professionals in the international education sector. It is intended for ongoing use to all registered participants.

Webinar Recording: Recordkeeping: What to keep and why it's so important!

Recorded on 17/06/2019 and forming part of Velg Training's Focus Week on Administration, this webinar explored the critical administrative roles and responsibilities when it comes to recordkeeping and file management (including electronic storage).

Webinar Recording: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to Support all Learners

Recorded on 23/09/2020 this webinar explored modifications of training resources using UDL principles allowing trainers to meet the diverse cross-section of a learning environment in developing training goals, methods, materials, and assessments.

Focus Week: Blended Learners: Unpacking Essentials - Integrating Foundation Skills to Mixed Cohorts

Recorded on the 05/06/2024. This 90-minute webinar was the third of five from our Focus Week: Student Diversity & Wellbeing. In this session, attendees discovered practical ways to embed Foundational Skills within intergenerational classes of neuro-diverse learners and students with differing abilities.

Training Package Assurance

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations is reviewing training package products developed by Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs). It will do this via an independent Training Package Assurance team.

NCVER: Do course durations matter to training quality and outcomes? (2019)

The research was conducted in two parts: a qualitative analysis through consultations with providers, regulators and industry stakeholders to investigate how course durations affect the quality of training, and a quantitative analysis of course durations and how they affect subject outcomes.

ASQA: Resourcing requirements—for applicants seeking initial registration or change to scope of registration

Guidance for Providers - Resourcing requirements for applicants: Initial registration and change to scope.

VelgCast: ACSF Suite - 12 Using the appendices and pre-level 1 supplement

The twelfth and final VelgCast in a series of 12 related to the ACSF

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission: Disability and the workplace

VEOHRC website link to information about disability and the workplace.

Revised Mapping of Standards for RTOs 2015 against the AQTF and 2016 VRQA Guidelines

VRQA publication that maps the Standards for RTOs 2015 to the AQTF Continuing Conditions and Standards and the VRQA Guidelines

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