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ASQA - Course Accreditation

ASQA gives accreditation to courses that may be delivered by registered training organisations (RTOs). Accreditation with ASQA ensures that courses are nationally recognised and meet an established industry, enterprise, educational, legislative or community need.

AIG : Investing in Workforce Literacy Pays 2015

The Australian Industry Group (AIG) publication on the importance of building employer commitment to workplace language, literacy and numeracy programs

Mapping of Standards for RTOs 2015 v4 to include Standards for RTOs Amendment (VET Workforce Support) Instrument 2024

This mapping document highlights the early changes to the Standards for RTOs to include the amendment introduced 1 March 2024.

Grattan Institute: Webinar - The choice between vocational and higher education (2019)

Listen to Professor Linda Kristjanson AO, Professor Peter Noonan, Frances Coppolillo, and Higher Education Program Director Andrew Norton discuss the choice between vocational and higher education in this event held in partnership with State Library Victoria.

ADCET: Disability Awareness - elearning training

The Disability Awareness Website hosts a suite of eLearning training encompassing Disability Awareness, External Support Workers on Campus, Supporting Students with Disability In VET, and is the only eLearning training freely available in Australia.

Webinar Recording: TAE PD Week - Enhancing Learning in the Workplace 2

Recorded on 4/12/2020 and forming part of the TAE PD Week, this webinar examined how to create the balance when planning, organising and facilitating learning for individuals in a workplace, and showed how using real work activities as the basis for learning can create more authentic outcomes.

Strengthening the evidence on how GenAI can improve teaching and learning: discussion paper (2024)

AERO undertook research to help schools and systems make more informed decisions about using GenAI tools to reverse growing inequity in student learning outcomes. This discussion paper identifies key concerns and explores potential research opportunities to better understand this issue.

ASQA: Spotlight On Assessment, Chapter 5 – Delivering assessment online

ASQA link to Spotlight On Assessment, Chapter 5 – Delivering assessment online which discusses how to establish an effective online assessment system.

TAS and Assessment Tools Assessor Validation example template

An example template for recording of the validation of the TAS by assessors

Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu) (2017)

The European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) is a scientifically sound framework describing what it means for educators to be digitally competent.

Mitchell Report: Preparing young people for the future of work – Round Table Report 2017

Mitchell Institute Round Table Report that puts forward two ideas about how Australia’s education system can change to accelerate innovation and improve transitions to employment.

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