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ASQA: Resourcing requirements—for applicants seeking initial registration or change to scope of registration

Guidance for Providers - Resourcing requirements for applicants: Initial registration and change to scope.

Mapping Core Skills for Work to Employability Skills Framework Bridging document 2013

Australian Government publication providing a detailed understanding of how the CSfW aligns with the 2002 Employability Skills Framework

Leading Age Services: Response to 2016 Quality Assessment in VET Discussion Paper

Leading Age Services’ response to 2016 Quality Assessment in VET Discussion Paper

Accellier: Video - Watch this if you're [...] trying to get your head around mapping

Accellier Answers: TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools. Mapping Assessment Tools to Units of Competency.

ASQA: Self-assessment for applications to change scope of RTO registration

ASQA's self-assessment tool for applications to change scope of RTO registration.

VelgCast: ACSF Suite - 12 Using the appendices and pre-level 1 supplement

The twelfth and final VelgCast in a series of 12 related to the ACSF

Skills for a cleaner future: Building the workforce for a clean economy (2024)

This research explores how everyday Australian businesses are experiencing the transition to a clean economy.

Revised Mapping of Standards for RTOs 2015 against the AQTF and 2016 VRQA Guidelines

VRQA publication that maps the Standards for RTOs 2015 to the AQTF Continuing Conditions and Standards and the VRQA Guidelines

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission: Disability and the workplace

VEOHRC website link to information about disability and the workplace.

Government Skills Australia: Meeting the foundation skills demands of training & work

GSA Facilitator guide developed to raise awareness of Foundation Skills and the impact of their under development on the Australian workforce

Webinar Recording: Integrating Reflective Activities to Provide Focus for your Learners and Enhance their Well Being

Recorded on 6/12/2023 this webinar guided attendees on how to integrate reflective activities into your teaching practices, supporting your learners with their focus and stress management.

National VET PD Week: Practical Ways to Build Foundation Skills and Improve Learner Results

Recorded on 12/10/2023, attendees learned practical ways to build learners' foundation skills through training. Explored how a focus on foundation skills can improve training outcomes!

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