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NCVER: Webinar - Get ready for AVETMISS 8.0 (2016)

This webinar provides an overview of the changes, including changes to file structures and fields, and covers the steps registered training organisations (RTOs) need to undertake to be ready to collect and produce data in Release 8.0 format from 2018. Release 8.0 will come into effect for activity from 1 January 2018.

IBSA: VET Practitioner Capability Framework (2013)

The VET Practitioner Capability Framework was developed by IBSA in association with the Commonwealth Government.

Vocational Competence Equivalence example template

An example template to record the demonstration of equivalence to vocational competencies

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Leading Indicator of Employment monthly reports (site link)

The Monthly Leading Indicator of Employment provides advance warnings of whether employment is likely to grow faster or slower than its long-term trend rate of growth.

Delivery model for higher apprenticeships (2023)

Employers are realising that qualifications once regarded as only for tradespeople, today’s higher apprenticeships or degree apprenticeships, can offer mid-tier para-professional workers access to skills without forcing them to choose between retraining and income.

Advancing Prosperity - 5-year Productivity Inquiry report (2023)

The report is divided into 9 volumes: An overview document (volume 1) that presents the policy agenda; and inquiry content volumes (volumes 2–9) that explain in greater detail the reforms that make up the policy agenda, including a modelling appendix.

Department of Education

The Department of Education contributes to Australia's economic prosperity and social wellbeing by creating opportunities and driving better outcomes through access to quality education and learning.

VelgCast: Strategies for achieving Assessment Consistency

Explores strategies for achieving assessment consistency and steps involved in choosing the one that is right for your RTO

ASQA: Accredited Course Content Template

ASQA website link to the Accredited Course Content Template for use by those submitting a new course for Accreditation

NCVER: Workforce skills development and engagement in training through skill sets (2012)

This report the role investigates the role that skills sets play compared to full qualifications, which are seen as the foundation of the vocational education and training (VET) system.

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