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VelgCast: Strategies for achieving Assessment Consistency

Explores strategies for achieving assessment consistency and steps involved in choosing the one that is right for your RTO

NCVER: Workforce skills development and engagement in training through skill sets (2012)

This report the role investigates the role that skills sets play compared to full qualifications, which are seen as the foundation of the vocational education and training (VET) system.

TAC: Webinar - RTO Governance - Driving Quality Through Good Business Practice

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar is appropriate for staff at executive level and staff involved with maintaining and ensuring quality systems related to the business practices of an RTO and its compliance with requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

VelgCast: Effective Complaints and Appeals system

An overview of the key features of an effective complaints and appeals system

ASQA - Video - Mandatory Workplace Assessment - CHCCCS23 Support Independence and Wellbeing

This video has been provided by the national VET regulator to support provides in deciding how best to structure practical assessment in the workplace.

NCVER: Online delivery of VET qualifications: current use and outcomes (2019)

This research publication provides a contemporary view of how online learning is used to deliver complete qualifications in the Australian VET sector.

ASQA: Video - Simplify Your Validation

Now you know the requirements your chosen sampling approach must meet, how do you select your sample size? Watch this video for a quick demonstration of how to use ASQA’s validation calculator, which helps you determine the required sample size.

ASQA Training Provider Briefings 2019 - Popular questions and answers

ASQA have provided a list of the most popular questions and answers provided at their 2019 Training Provider Briefings which you can access via this link.

2024-25 Pre-Budget Submission - Education and Training (2024)

In this submission, Ai Group details the key areas in which deep work still needed in order to embed a tertiary education and training sector that allows Australia to achieve its human capital potential.

Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) (site link)

ADCET’s mission is to contribute to the improvement of the educational experiences and to the successful outcomes for students with disability in post-secondary education. Explore this website for resources, webinars, podcasts and learning materials.

Duty Statement - Compliance Administrator example template

An example of a duty statement for an administrator role responsible for compliance relating to administration and record keeping

NCVER: Improving participation and success in VET for disadvantaged learners (2018)

A survey of registered training organisations and case studies found that the most successful strategies were focused around supporting disadvantaged learners needs to be an institutional-wide commitment, building strong relationships with employers and other service agencies within the community and customising the support to the individual.

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