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Australian Government: VET Student Loans - Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

This guide is intended to help VET providers understand when and how to report RPL under TCSI.

ASQA's Self-assessment tool

ASQA’s self-assessment tool is designed to support training providers to manage self-assurance and ongoing compliance.

2024-25 Pre-Budget Submission - Education and Training (2024)

In this submission, Ai Group details the key areas in which deep work still needed in order to embed a tertiary education and training sector that allows Australia to achieve its human capital potential.

ASQA - Video - Mandatory Workplace Assessment - CHCCCS23 Support Independence and Wellbeing

This video has been provided by the national VET regulator to support provides in deciding how best to structure practical assessment in the workplace.

2024-25 Pre-Budget Submission - Education and Training (2024)

In this submission, Ai Group details the key areas in which deep work still needed in order to embed a tertiary education and training sector that allows Australia to achieve its human capital potential.

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Leading Indicator of Employment monthly reports (site link)

The Monthly Leading Indicator of Employment provides advance warnings of whether employment is likely to grow faster or slower than its long-term trend rate of growth.

Vocational Competence Equivalence example template

An example template to record the demonstration of equivalence to vocational competencies

Webinars: Australian Core Skills Framework (2014)

Videos (uploaded 2014) were produced for the previous version of the ACSF, but most information is still relevant.

Learning curve: why Australia needs a training boost (2024)

This report reveals that one-third of Australian occupations face worker shortages, particularly in fields influenced by global megatrends like digital transformation, artificial intelligence, an ageing workforce, and the energy transition. It underscores the need for intensified efforts to bridge skill gaps. Addressing these challenges demands a commitment from both employers and employees to prioritise learning and allocate time for training.

QCAA RTO Registration Information

Information provided by QCAA on RTO Registration

TAC: Webinar - RTO Governance - Driving Quality Through Good Business Practice

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar is appropriate for staff at executive level and staff involved with maintaining and ensuring quality systems related to the business practices of an RTO and its compliance with requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

Advancing Prosperity - 5-year Productivity Inquiry report (2023)

The report is divided into 9 volumes: An overview document (volume 1) that presents the policy agenda; and inquiry content volumes (volumes 2–9) that explain in greater detail the reforms that make up the policy agenda, including a modelling appendix.

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