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VelgCast: Understanding assessment requirements in a unit of competency

An overview of understanding assessment requirements in a unity of competency

VelgCast: Trainer and Assessor Competence

Information providing an overview of trainer and assessor credential and competence requirements.

TAEDEL301 RPL Candidate Evidence Guide Product

An RPL Candidate Evidence Guide for the unit TAEDEL301 Provide work skill instruction designed for trainers. This product helps identify what evidence you might have to assist with your RPL application.

English Australia: Best Practice Guides (site link)

English Australia link to Best Practice Guides. English Australia regularly prepares Guides to Best Practice in ELICOS (Best Practice Guides), collating information provided by member institutions who represent the full spectrum of provider types, purposes and locations in Australia, and incorporating current TESOL research.

NCVER: Report - Apprentice and trainee experience and destinations 2019

This publication provides a summary of the outcomes of apprentices and trainees who completed (completers) or cancelled or withdrew (non-completers) from an apprenticeship or traineeship during 2018.

Towards a National Jobs and Skills Roadmap (2023)

This inaugural Jobs and Skills Report 2023 provides an initial assessment of the national skills system and Australia’s current, emerging, and future skills needs.

Australian Government: Rapid Response Information Report: Generative AI (2023)

This Generative AI research report responds to the questions: What are the opportunities and risks of applying large language models (LLMs) and multimodal foundation models (MFMs) learning technologies over the next two, five and ten years? What are some examples of strategies that have been put in place internationally by other advanced economies since the launch of models like ChatGPT to address the potential opportunities and impacts of artificial intelligence (AI)?

ADCET Webinar: Access Plans for VET Educators Professional Learning Resources

This session explored the free, nationally developed Access Plans for VET Educators Professional Learning Resources available on ADCET. Showcasing the comprehensive and adaptable suite of resources and how they can be accessed and contextualised for your audience.

IIER: Literacy and numeracy support in vocational education: Perceptions from engineering apprentices in Victoria (2021)

This research explored how engineering apprentices at an Australian TAFE institution perceive their supported acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills.

NCVER: Report - Issues in apprenticeships and traineeships – a research synthesis (November 2021)

This resource considers research and data on what could be considered five enduring issues for apprenticeships and traineeships in Australia. These are congestion and harmonisation, completions, incentive payments and other supports to employers and apprentices/trainees, the interface between the apprentice/trainee and training providers, and the relevance of the current model of apprenticeship training.

Future of work report: AI at work (2023)

The Future of Work Report: AI at Work, November 2023 uncovers the latest real-time trends we see around how AI is ushering a new world of work, grounded in LinkedIn’s unique labor market insights, based on one billion professionals and 67 million companies.

TAEDEL301 RPL Candidate Evidence Guide Product

An RPL Candidate Evidence Guide for the unit TAEDEL301 Provide work skill instruction designed for trainers. This product helps identify what evidence you might have to assist with your RPL application.

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