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IBSA: Foundation Skills Trigger Words Glossary 2013

Innovation Business Skills Australia (IBSA) reference document that lists various ‘trigger’ words or phrases that may indicate that foundation skills are required to achieve competency

Velg Training VET Student Handbook template

This VET Student Handbook Template provides a framework for RTOs to build upon and adapt to ensure all of the information needed by a student, and required by the Standards for RTOs 2015, is included in a comprehensive and easy to follow manner.

Trainer-Assessor Staff Training and Development Policy example template

An example template of a policy that outlines how staff training and development will be documented

ASQA: Your student obligations when a default occurs (overseas students)

Requirements if you default in respect of an overseas student or intending overseas student.

ASQA: Your student obligations when a default occurs (overseas students)

Requirements if you default in respect of an overseas student or intending overseas student.

Building effective RTO-employer partnerships: good practice guide (2023)

Effective partnerships between training providers and employers are important for ensuring a robust VET sector. RTO-employer partnerships act as channels through which industry skill needs are met with relevant training, while simultaneously building the capacity and resilience of providers and employers alike. Based on case studies of RTO-employer partnerships that varied in terms of employer size, RTO type and industry, this good practice guide provides insights into effective strategies for RTOs that foster the development of quality partnerships with employers. A companion research report provides discussion and further insights related to the drivers, benefits and challenges of RTO-employer partnerships.

Australian Government: VET Student Loans - Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

This guide is intended to help VET providers understand when and how to report RPL under TCSI.

ASQA's Self-assessment tool

ASQA’s self-assessment tool is designed to support training providers to manage self-assurance and ongoing compliance.

National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults 2012

Standing Council on Tertiary Education Skills & Employment (SCOTESE) publication that is the National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults, identifying common goals and priorities until 2022

OECD: Preparing Vocational Teachers and Trainers Case Studies on Entry Requirements and Initial Training (2022)

This report focuses on two aspects: entry requirements for the VET teaching and training profession to ensure quality and consistency; and initial education and training for VET teachers and trainers to ensure that they are well-prepared when taking up their role.

CEDEFOP: Teachers and trainers in a changing world (2022)

This 2022 synthesis paper published by CEDEFOP points out that “teachers and trainers are at the frontline of VET delivery.” To do their job effectively requires that “they (re)skill and upskill towards future-oriented competences, which they can then pass on to students.”

Third Party Verification Checklist example template

An example of a template checklist that could be used when verifying third party evidence

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