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WA Training Awards

Website link to information about the Training Awards in Western Australia

AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for Initial Registration

Australian Government website link to the AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for Initial Registration

Qld Government Trade Skills Assessment and Gap Training Program

Qld Government website link to information about the Trade Skills Assessment and Gap Training Program

ACT AVETARS Qualifications Register

ACT Government website link to the Register of Qualifications and associated funding

User Choice Funding Policy (NT)

NT Government website link to information about the User Choice Funding Policy

Skills Tasmania: Training Packages with approved nominal hours

Skills Tasmania website link to the Training Packages with approved nominal hours

ASQA: Fact Sheet – Delivering Elective Units

ASQA website link to the Fact Sheet about delivering elective units

AQF logo and copyright

Australian Qualifications Framework link to the AQF colour logo and copyright

Australian Government: PRISMS

Australian Government website link to the Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS)

Revised quality Standards

Stay up to date with ASQA information about the draft revised Standards.

National Regulatory Framework

Australian Government website link to information about the National Regulatory Framework

Skill First Fact Sheet for Community Training Providers

Victorian Government website link to the Skills First Fact Sheet for Community Training Providers

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