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VelgCast: Streamlined Units of Competency

An overview of the Streamlined Units of Competency.

Velg Training National Code 2018 at a Glance

An overview at a glance of the National Code 2018

Webinar Recording: Self-Assuring: Doing it Already

Recorded on the 10/3/2023 this is the first webinar in the Self Assurance Series that explored the principles and drivers of self-assurance and stocktake existing practices that apply

Velg Training Volume of Learning and Amount of Training Guides

This product is a set of worked examples that guides the user through one approach to analysing units of competency and other considerations when determining course duration and the amount of training.

Student Competency Tracking Sheet template example 2

An example of a student competency profile template to track and record outcomes

Resource Mapping example template 2

An excel mapping template example of how to record resource requirements for a unit

Sample: La Trobe University VET Assessment Policy

La Trobe University Website link to an example VET Assessment Policy

Velgcast: Foundation Skills

An overview of Foundation Skills and how they relate to other frameworks

Student Feedback Sheet example template

A template example of a simple form that could be used to gain feedback from a student about their experiences in the program

Basic Student Information Handbook example template

A basic template that highlights headings/sections to be included in student information handbook or similar

TAC: Webinar – Managing and Amending RTO Scope

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar will provide guidance on the preparation and submission of that documentation, and where RTOs are frequently challenged by the process.

Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program (2023)

The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program helps eligible job seekers learn the skills they need to get the job they want by improving their language, reading, writing and maths skills.

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