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Velg Training Webinars

Please note these webinar recordings are based on, and refer to, the requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 which are current until 30 June 2025.

The revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations were publicly released on 1 October 2024 and will come into full regulatory effect from 1 July 2025.

Velg Training will progressively release new webinar recordings (after the live events have occurred) that will reflect the requirements of the revised Standards.

Members: For more information about the Revised Standards, please refer to our Revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations page.

Our webinars cover a diverse range of topics, you can navigate to
your preferred topic below or explore our entire selection.



Member Price

Non-Member Price

Credit Transfer: Getting it right!$49.00$79.00
Focus Week – Administration: Recordkeeping: What to keep and why it's so important!$49.00$79.00
Focus Week – Administration: Enrolment: Entry requirements & students support needs$49.00$79.00



Member Price

Non-Member Price

A Guide to Marking Guides!$67.00$95.00
Assessment: The Big Picture$67.00$95.00
Colourful Competence: Dimensions of Competency$49.00$79.00
Designing Tools for Online Assessment$49.00$79.00
Developing Effective Assessment Questions$49.00$79.00
Developing Quality Clustered Assessment$49.00$79.00
Fearless RPL for Assessors$67.00$95.00
Fearless RPL for Developers$308.00$420
Focus Week: ChatGPT and AI: Assessment challenges and opportunities$67.00$95.00
Focus Week: Simulate to Innovate: Crafting Effective Simulated Assessments$67.00$95.00
Focus Week: Third-Party Triumph: Reliable and Effective Third-Party Reports$67.00$95.00
Focus Week: Real-World Ready: Flexible and Contextualised Workplace Practical Assessments$67.00$95.00
Focus Week: Mastering the Map: Unleash the Power of Assessment Mapping$67.00$95.00
Implementing the Rules of Evidence: Issues and how to avoid them$67.00$95.00
How Does a Unit of Competency Really Work?$67.00$95.00
National VET PD Week: RPL: What IS the Professional Conversation$49.00$79.00
National VET PD Week: The What, Why, Who, How and When of Reasonable Adjustment$49.00$79.00
National VET PD Week: Designing A Robust and User-Friendly RPL$67.00$95.00
Providing Effective Assessment Feedback$49.00$79.00
Recognition-Based AssessmentFREE$79.00
Some Observations on Observation$49.00$79.00
Understanding the Principles of Assessment and The Rules of Evidence$67.00$95.00
Workplace-Based Assessment/On the Job Assessment$67.00$95.00



Member Price

Non-Member Price

Essentials for Re-Registration: Plan, Prepare and Perform (Webinar Series)$135.00$198.00
Evidence: How RTOs can Demonstrate Compliance with the Standards (Part 1 - General RTO Operations) $67.00$95.00
Evidence: How RTOs can Demonstrate Compliance with the Standards (Part 2 -Training & Assessment) $67.00$95.00
Self-Assuring in Practice – Easy Peasey!$49.00$79.00
Self-Assuring: Doing it Already$49.00$79.00
Self-Assuring: It’s Risky not to Self-Assure your Risks$49.00$79.00
The Impact of Non-Compliant Practice$49.00$79.00



Member Price

Non-Member Price

Beyond Excellence$49.00$79.00
Changes in the VET Sector and What They Mean to Me as a Manager$67.00$95.00
Chat EQ - Emotional Intelligence + Effective CommunicationFREE$79.00
EEEK! My Training Package Has Been Updated!$67.00$94.00
Focus Week – Foundation Skills: What do Foundation Skills mean to the general Trainer and Assessor$49.00$79.00
Let’s Talk About Effective Industry Engagement$67.00$95.00
Marketing Compliance: Reviewing and monitoring material$49.00$79.00
Focus Week: ChatGPT and AI: Assessment challenges and opportunities$67.00$95.00
The Future is Here: Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Education$49.00$79.00
What has the recent Amendment Instrument done to the current standards?$29.00$29.00



Member Price

Non-Member Price

Financial Mastery for RTOSFREE$79.00
Pursuing Management Excellence: Integrating coaching conversations$49.00$79.00
The Impact of Non-Compliant Practice$49.00$79.00



Member Price

Non-Member Price

Focus Week – Administration: Enrolment: Entry requirements & students support needs$49.00$79.00
Focus Week: Navigating Neurodiversity in VET: Where to Begin$67.00$95.00
Focus Week: Two Way Learning : Across cultures, and classroom practises to support Indigenous and CALD learners$67.00$95.00
Focus Week: Blended Learners: Unpacking Essentials - Integrating Foundation Skills to Mixed Cohorts$95.00$95.00
National VET PD Week: LLN Testing - Keeping it simple and getting it right$49.00$79.00
Strategies for Engaging Students with Disability$49.00$79.00
Supporting Students with Disability - Enhancing your VET practiceFREE$79.00
The Student Support Spectrum$49.00$79.00
What Auditors are Looking for in Completed Student Files$49.00$79.00
TAE PD Week - Identifying LLN Needs and Developing Support Strategies$49.00$79.00
Supportive Strategies for Learner Engagement$49.00$79.00
TAE PD Week - Unpacking Training Packages to Meet Client Needs$49.00$79.00



Member Price

Non-Member Price

Continued Professional Development, the Glitter and Gold$49.00$79.00
Focus Week – Foundation Skills: What do Foundation Skills mean to the general Trainer and Assessor$49.00$79.00
Trainer Currency & Vocational Capability$49.00$79.00



Member Price

Non-Member Price

Focus Week – Design: Design of Training & Assessment Strategies & Industry Consultation$49.00$79.00
National VET PD Week - Design of Training & Assessment Strategies & Industry Consultation $67.00$95.00
The TAS Trilogy: Let your TAS tell the story (Webinar Series)$135.00$198.00
Embedding Literacy Development $49.00$79.00



Member Price

Non-Member Price

Building Blocks for Effective EducatorsFREE$79.00
Colourful Competence: Dimensions of Competency$49.00$79.00
Empowering Adults for Powerful Learning: Andragogy in Action$67.00$95.00
Engaging the UnengagedFREE$79.00
Focus Week – Design: Designing Quality Training$49.00$79.00
How to Destroy TrainingFREE$79.00
Integrating Reflective Activities to Provide Focus  for your Learners and Enhance their Well Being$49.00$79.00
Interesting learning: 6 activities to activate your learner$67.00$95.00
National VET PD Week: Practical Ways to Build Foundation Skills and Improve Learner Results$67.00$95.00
 Positive Learning Behaviours Creating Remarkable Learning Communities
Proactively Managing Student Behaviour using the TERA Model$49.00$79.00
Pursuing Trainer Excellence: Integrating coaching conversations$49.00$79.00
Reflecting on Our Online Delivery$67.00$95.00
TAE PD Week - Designing and Developing Learning that Sticks!$49.00$79.00
TAE PD Week -Enhancing How you Plan, Organise and Deliver Group-based Training$49.00$79.00
TAE PD Week - Enhancing Learning in the Workplace$49.00$79.00
The Art of Teaching - Cert IV TAE and beyond!$67.00$95.00
The Big Shift: Designing for virtual classrooms$67.00$95.00
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to Support all Learners$49.00$79.00
Visual and Vocal Image for Online (or Face to face) Delivery: Skills to Enhance Learner Engagement and Comprehension (2 part webinar series$134.00$190.00


Please note, an amendment to the current standards came into effect 1 March 2024 that may affect content from our webinar recordings.  Includes repeal of Clause 1.11 relating to 'who' can undertake validation. You can click here to access that amendment however, the process of validation remains unchanged - and the following webinar recordings are still valid.


Member Price

Non-Member Price

National VET PD Week – GetClarity! Defining the Terminology$49.00$79.00
National VET PD Week– Conducting Validation Online$49.00$79.00
National VET PD Week –Making Your Validation Meaningful $49.00$79.00
National VET PD Week– Leading Assessment Validation Activities$49.00$79.00
Validation and Moderation - What's the Difference?$49.00$79.00



Member Price

Non-Member Price

Back to Basics with John Dwyer (Webinar Bundle) SAVE 20%$152.00$212.00
Focus Week – Administration: (Webinar Bundle) SAVE 20%$199.00$316.00
Self Assurance Practices (Webinar Bundle) SAVE 20%$126.00$189.00

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